Dan Janies, Ph.D.

Dan Janies, Ph.D.
In 2012, Daniel Janies joined the faculty of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as The Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor of Bioinformatics and Genomics, Director of Bioinformatics Research, and Director of Graduate Global Research and Educational Programs. Dr. Janies received a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Biology from the University of Michigan in 1988 and a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Florida in 1995. Dr. Janies worked as a postdoctoral fellow (1996 – 1999) and a principal investigator (2000-2002) at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City where he lead a team that, using off-the-shelf PC components, built one of the worlds largest computing clusters in 2001. Most recently, Dr. Janies was a tenured faculty member in the College of Medicine at the Ohio State University. Dr. Janies is a national principal investigator in the Tree of Life program of the US National Science Foundation. Dr. Janies also focuses on the evolution and spread of pathogens in research programs for US the Department of Defense. He has developed software to put pathogen genomic data into context with geography and hosts. The results are akin to weather maps for disease that allow public health scientists to visualize when and where pathogens jump from animals to humans and evolve to resist drugs.