Dr. Jason Roberge

Dr. Jason Roberge
Dr. Roberge received his PhD from the University of Arizona in Epidemiology. His primary research was on evaluating arsenic concentrations in water, beverages, and food found among households in Arizona and northern Mexico. He has been designing, managing, and analyzing epidemiologic studies for more than 13 years. He has worked at Atrium Health for six years. Dr. Roberge’s current role within the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation as a senior data scientist focuses on assessing initiatives that seek to improve outcomes for patients. Acting as co-principal investigator, one recent study focused on the assessment of a standardized care plan for COPD patients in the hospital while anther initiative focused on assessing virtual follow-up care among behavioral health patients seen in the emergency department. He is currently the principal investigator on a study that aims to reduce Vitamin D orders among the general population as part of a strategic initiative to lower wasteful testing and procedures.