Richard Cooperstein

Richard Cooperstein
• 25+ years creating and using options-based analytic infrastructure to value, manage and
invest in various types of credit risk
o Senior Consultant, Andrew Davidson & Co.
o VP of Pricing and Asset Acquisitions at Ocwen Financial
o Managing Director, Head of Modeling and Analytics, HSBC Securities
o VP of Structured Transactions Freddie Mac
o Senior Economist, US Office of Management and Budget
• Experience as a regulator, risk manager and asset manager provides a 360o view of risk
management frameworks that support and control investment risk
o Financial regulator and an architect of Credit Reform for the US Federal Budget.
Led the effort to value all Federal financial guarantees which continuesto this day.
o Designed and implemented investment strategies for structured credit risk,
mortgage insurance, financial guarantees, and servicing rights
• Policy maker and published author, including articles in The Journal of Structured
Finance, The Journal of Financial Intermediation, and The AREUEA Journal
• PhD in Economics from University of Maryland, College Park